Industrial Product
Industrial Gas Liquid
Liquid and compressed industrial gases
Nitrogen | CO2 | Oxygen | Argon | | Acetylene
OxyEgypt provides a comprehensive solution for industrial gases applications including warehousing, engineering delivery system, ancillary equipment and accessories. This is a group of specialized applications that work to provide integrated solutions for the supply and delivery of natural gas to customers throughout the Republic
Bearing in mind the critical importance of industrial gases, we have established a traceable supply chain, customized and fully equipped to meet the needs of factories; Whether using liquid or compressed gases. Factories require a continuous supply of high-quality gases, as well as safe systems for storing and routing gases to different locations.
Delivery personnel are always on hand to quickly respond to emergency requirements.
Oxy Egypt owns multiple agencies for industrial engineering technology and equipment providers, which enables the company to comply with European, British and American industrial engineering standards, allowing Oxy Egypt to provide integrated and comprehensive solutions for clients specialized in industrial fields.
Medical oxygen is a very faint blue, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas. It makes up 21% of the atmosphere, and is essential for the continuation of life on Earth. Absorption of oxygen from the air is the primary purpose of respiration, so oxygen supplements are used in medicine. All living things need oxygen to survive and the importance of oxygen in healthcare cannot be underestimated.
OxyEgypt offers oxygen with a purity of 98%, which enables industrial applications to produce quality production
Acetylene is a gaseous hydrocarbon which is highly flammable. The gas is colorless, unstable, highly combustible, and has a strong odor resembling garlic. Acetylene is used in welding and for the manufacture of chemicals as the gas can produce a very hot flame of over 3000C, when combined with oxygen.
Acetylene is shipped as a stabilized solution under pressure, and dissolved in Acetone as it is a highly unstable compound and decomposes with ignition within a wide range of pressures and temperatures.
Applications of Acetylene
Acetylene has multiple applications in several industries. The metal fabrication industry uses acetylene combined with oxygen for cutting, welding, and brazing. Glass manufacturers use it for lubricating the molds used in the production of bottles. It is also used for industrial and chemical synthesis in industries, which have a requirement for applications of the gas.
Atomic industries use acetylene as a fuel for atomic absorption instruments. Moreover, it is used to bleach paper pulp in the production of paper. Acetylene is also used for water purification, odor control, tea processing and fermentation.
Nitrogen makes up 78% of the volume of air, and is a “permanent gas”, colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-combustible. It is a very inert gas in a free state and unable to support life, extremely cold in a liquid state of -196°C.
One volume of liquid nitrogen gives approximately 700 volumes of gas at ambient conditions. Nitrogen consists of a number of important compounds, such as ammonia, nitric acid and cyanide, and is a component of all organized living tissues, animal or plant.
OxyEgypt offers nitrogen with a purity of 99.9% – 99.999%.

Argon (Ar) is a colorless, odorless, non-reactive, inert gas. In high concentrations, it has an asphyxiating effect. As argon is an atmospheric gas (0.93% vol.), it is generally sourced by separating air. A crude argon stream containing up to 5% oxygen is removed from the main air separation column and purified to produce the commercial purity grade required. Argon can also be recovered from the exhaust streams of certain ammonia plants
OxyEgypt offers Argon with a purity of 99.9% – 99.999%.
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Dioxide is a colorless, odorless and non-flammable gas that is formed by the burning of hydrocarbons with air. It may also be formed by the fermentation of liquids and as a by-product of chemical processes. It does not sustain life and freezes at -78.5C to form dry-ice.
We offer compressed carbon dioxide in a gaseous and liquid state, in varying concentrations and purity levels, including but not limited to beverage grade, food grade, and USP. The main consumer of bulk liquid carbon dioxide is the food and beverage industry.
Serving a Wide Range of Industries
We distribute carbon dioxide to:
– Food and beverage industries
– Healthcare industry
– Metal fabrication
– Chemical industries
– Oil industry